Xybex Water R&D, Inc.

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Xybex Water R&D, Inc.

Xybex Water R&D, Inc. works with Engineering firms which specialize in Gas to Liquids (GTL) technologies. Our objective is to miniaturize the design of Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactors to build scaled down models which can be loaded on spaceships. These reactors will make propane, ethane, butane and higher octane gases. Since water vapor and carbon dioxide are produced from burning these gases, air conditioners, dehumidifiers or cooling coils can be used to condense the vapors into water droplets. All FT fuels are clean burning fuels which is why the water recovered from combustion of FT fuels is pure water.

An important design modification will recirculate the water that comes out of the process, thereby eliminating the need for a constant supply of fresh water.

An initial supply of water is required to start the process the very first time though. Xybex also advocates building ethanol and methanol plants on lunar bases.



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Propane and Butane Synthesis

Click on the official Fischer-Tropsch website. It provides links to Syntroleum, SASOL and Rentech. These are all existing synthetic oil refineries. Since fossil fuels are being rapidly depleted, we will have to rely increasingly upon synthetic hydrocarbons. They are also referred to as GTL, or Gas to Liquids, fuel plants.

Process plant engineering firms include: Bateman Engineering, Dresser Engineering, and Haldor-Topsoe Engineering.

Once the reactor blueprints are miniaturized, fabrication companies such as Hitachi-Zosen will fabricate them. Miniaturization is essential because the cost of hauling equipment and freight to the Moon or Mars is extremely costly--to the tune of millions of dollars per pound. Hopefully the cost of space travel will go down someday.


Visit the official Fischer-Tropsch website -- Home of
Synthetic Fuels Research!!


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Solutions for Space