Xybex Water R&D, Inc.

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The Krebs Cycle

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Students - Get a FREE Copy of our Technical Report!!

If you are a H.S. Student, Engineering Student or someone who is interested in Water Synthesis, send us an e-mail requesting a FREE copy of our Technical Report, Water Synthesis from Organic and Chemical Processes (a
$2,500 value). Or, click on the link below to download a FREE copy.

Organic Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Catalyst Design
is the career of the future. It will prepare you for the synthetic oil industry. Burning hydrocarbons produces WATER vapor and CO2, condensing the water vapor into water droplets is what we're about!

ONLINE JOB APPLICATIONS are available at: http://www.xybex.5u.com


Strike it Rich in Synthetic Fuels Engineering!!

Hydrocarbon synthesis depends on the catalytic conversion of Synthesis Gas (Hydrogen and Carbon monoxide) into synthetic fuels. Fischer-Tropsch reactors use Magnetic Iron Oxide catalyst tubes to accomplish this. Cobalt catalysts and alloys such as Cobalt-Nickel are successfully implemented in many existing plants. Many Group VIII metals can also be used.

Catalyst design is explained in the book, Principles of Catalyst Development, by James T. Richardson, 1989. ISBN No: 0-306-43162-9, from Plenum Publishing Corp.


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